How To Setup Yummly

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Learn How To Setup Yummly and use it to grow your food blog traffic, or just create a marvelous collection of recipes! Yummly is a great way to collect and organize all of your recipes in one dynamic place. I know, another Social Media platform, one more thing to add to the list. Trust me, take the time to set this up and you’ll thank me later!

We’ll walk you through with a step-by-step setup for Yummly. For Food Bloggers it’s a major platform to reach a wider audience and put your recipes in front of new, soon to be, fans! Not to mention, Yummly also features recipes on their FacebookInstagram, and Twitter accounts! Which means, even more, eyes on your great recipes! So check out our Yummly Tutorial to get going today!

How To Setup and Use Yummly!

Did I mention that you don’t have to painstakingly add ingredients and photos? You DON’T! Yummly does all of the work for you and has great client care too, so if you run into an issue they’ll be more than happy to help out.

If you’re a Food Blogger you’ll have 2 “profiles” inside of Yummly and they CANNOT be combined.

PUBLISHER PAGE: This is the Page that’s automatically created when the first recipe from your site is added to Yummly (Yummed by someone). It’s the Page that users are directed to, your publisher page is where all the recipes from your blog are live on the Yummly site. Here is our Publisher Page for Mean Green Chef, notice the URL address;

Tips for your Publisher Page: Submit your social media links to Yummly and they will update your Publisher Page! Use the Yummly Google Doc to submit your info! Also, when you submit this form they will ask you “What is the URL of your blog’s page on Yummly” you want to use your Publisher Page URL, NOT your personal profile. 

Where to Find Your Yummly Publisher Page

No problem, do you have a personal account setup yet? If not, do so now (scroll down for How To Setup your personal account). If Yes, then Yum a couple of your recipes and a publisher page will be automatically created for your blog on Yummly. To find this, you can go to your personal user profile on Yummly and check to see if the recipe you Yummed has processed yet. Once it has processed, you’ll see the photo and also a link underneath the recipe card to your Publisher Page.

How To Setup and Use Yummly!
Click your website name to go to your Publisher Page. If it's not showing, just give it some time and keep Yumming more of your recipe creations so they continue to go through the uploading, that way they'e in queue to be uploaded too.
How To Setup and Use Yummly!
Mean Green Chef Publisher Page
PERSONAL PROFILE: Is meant more for your personal use you can Yum your recipes (off of your blog, if you have one) and they’ll show up on your personal account too, but you can also Yum all of your favorite recipes and file them away into folders that you create! Here is our Personal Profile, again notice the URL so you can see the difference in the addresses.
This is our Personal Profile

How Long Does it Take Yummly to Create a Profile?

When recipes are first added to Yummly they go to your personal profile first – Once they have fully processed (this can take up to a week to complete) then they will automatically be added to the publisher page for your blog. 

How to Setup Your Yummly Account

  • Create an Account: Sign up for an account at Yummly
  • Add Yum Button to your Site: Depending on the social media sharing plugin that you use on your site, (we use Sassy Social Share) you should be able to set Yummly as an option for sharing. Or you can add a YUM button to your post so it will be easy for your readers to YUM your recipes, the more Yums you receive the more traffic boosts you’ll get!
How To Setup and Use Yummly!
Sassy Social Share buttons on Mean Green Chef, the one on the left hand side of the page "floats" down as your viewer scrolls down the page. We use Sassy because it's lightweight, easy to setup, and use!

TIP: Remember when adding the Yum Button you are not connecting it to your Yummly Account. It’s connected to the viewers account so they can save your great eats!

  • Show Yourself some Love: I suggest you go through and start Yumming all of your recipes so they begin being processed by Yummly, some can take up to a week. Most are faster, just remember they save you a lot of work since you don’t have to manually upload ingredients, measurements, photos, etc. All you have to do is click the Yum button! So easy!
How To Setup and Use Yummly!
To Yum (Save) your recipe (or any recipe) Click on the Yum Button, then a pop-up will show, all done! That's how easy it is to populate your recipes on this great recipe sharing network!

How Does Yummly Process Recipes?

After you’ve Yummed Your Recipes and others, Yummly goes about the task of uploading all of the information into it’s database. You can tell when the process has been completed as the photo will populate and the website will show too. Some recipes can take up to a week to populate, if you have issues contact their help desk. I’ve worked with them and had great client care service. 

How To Setup and Use Yummly!
How To Setup and Use Yummly!
Remember that your Publisher Page is the page that users are directed to, it's the page where all of your recipes are live on Yummly. If you need help finding your publisher page read the above section " I Need Help Finding My Publisher Page on Yummly". Once you navigate to it, copy and paste it into the first field.

How to Use Yummly

  • Once you are signed up you can add the bookmarklet to your toolbar to make it simple to yum any recipe you come across on the web. Every recipe you Yum, whether it’s on Yummly or from your toolbar on any website will be added to your recipe box. You can organize your recipe box by creating file folders. 
How To Setup and Use Yummly!
You'll be able to add the bookmarklet anywhere you want on your toolbar.

You can check out this amazing Sicilian Soup Recipe right here on Little Broken!

How To Setup and Use Yummly!
The bookmarklet allows you to save any recipe you want!

Can a Recipe be added multiple times in Yummly?
No, but it can and will be Yummed a bunch of times! Once it’s auto-populated it’s in the Yummly database and can also be found in their internal search engine too. 

How To Setup and Use Yummly!
Find any recipe you want!

Also, Yummly is intuitive, the more recipes you Yum it will begin to make suggestions for you when you log on. Plus, you can also search by ingredients, dietary needs, holidays, and so much more!

For more info on how to set up accounts and to see suggested recipes & configure your preferences check out Yummly’s helpful “How it Works“! And of course if you have any questions for me, I’m always happy to help, you can leave a comment below or shoot me a message on our Facebook Business Page!

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How To Setup and Use Yummly!
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Join the Conversation

  1. Oh my goodness, you are just awesome! Thanks so much for this fantastic, detailed tutorial. You should tell Yummly about this, as they desperately need this!

    1. Thanks so much, Simone! So glad that you find it helpful and I am passing this onto Yummly to see if they may be interested in using it as a help article. If you have any questions please let me know! 🙂

  2. ballingham says:

    I love all your posts, but you are really rocking it with these help articles. So much detail, wow! Thanks so much.

    1. Thank you, Beth! I’m really happy to hear that you like the tut’s I have been creating and sharing on social media, Yummly is awesome and I’m really glad that you’re on board to join up too! 🙂

  3. Jazzy's Mama says:

    Thank you so much for this information! I can’t wait to get started on yummly.

    1. Awesome, so glad that you found it helpful Jazzy! If you have any questions, just ask 🙂

  4. Pauline Reynolds says:

    This is great info. Very clear directions and so helpful. Who knew this was out there and such a great tool.

    1. So glad that you found it helpful, Pauline! 🙂

  5. I’ve been meaning to read this for awhile now! I “set up” Yummly a few months ago, but it turns out I didn’t do that right. This helps. But when I click the link to go to my publisher profile, I get a 404 error. But I have recipes from my site on my personal profile. Not sure what’s going on there. But I filled out that Google doc, so maybe that will help!

    1. Hey, Colleen! I did message you to email the Yummly help desk regarding the 404 error for your publisher profile (not normal). They will address it, fabulous customer service. It a great driver of traffic so worth the effort 🙂

  6. Wow thanks for this! I have a personal page on the site and didn’t know I could create anything more. Saving this post so I can get set up properly!

    1. Glad that I could help, Cindy! 🙂

  7. Great article! I have been struggling to set up my publisher page on Yummly but never succeeded. Now, I know the step by step procedures and would wait until they process the details.
    Thanks a lot again, for this wonderful and detailed article.

    1. So glad that you found our Yummly article helpful Pawan! 🙂

  8. Thanks so much, Angela, This is the most interesting article I have read about this topic.
    I was struggling to set up my publisher page (Was not aware it is done automatically behind the scenes by Yummly!)
    Thanks again 🙂

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